Update ci to release-0.4.9
Fix typo in comment
Update ci to release-0.4.4
An LV2 lint-like tool that checks whether a given plugin and its UI(s) match up with the provided metadata and adhere to well-known best practices.
Run it as part of your continuous integration pipeline together with lv2/sord_validate to reduce the likelihood of shipping plugins with major flaws in order to prevent unsatisfied users.
Note: This is an early release, if you happen to find false-positive warnings when using this tool, please report back, so it can be fixed.
lv2lint can optionally test your plugin URIs for existence. If you want that, you need to enable it at compile time (-Donline-tests=enabled) and link to libcurl. You will also need to enable it at run-time (-o), e.g. double-opt-in.
lv2lint can optionally test your plugin symbol visibility and link dependencies. If you want that, you need to enable it at compile time (-Delf-tests=enabled) and link to libelf.
lv2lint can optionally test your plugin X11 UI instantiation. If you want that, you need to enable it at compile time (-Dx11-tests=enabled) and link to libX11.
git clone https://git.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/lv2lint
cd lv2lint
meson -Donline-tests=enabled -Delf-tests=enabled -Dx11-tests=enabled build
cd build
sudo ninja install
Information about the command line arguments are described in the man page:
man 1 lv2lint
An acceptable plugin SHOULD pass without triggering any fails, this is also the default configuration:
lv2lint -I ${MY_BUNDLE_DIR} http://lv2plug.in/plugins/eg-scope#Stereo
A good plugin SHOULD pass without triggering any warnings:
lv2lint -I ${MY_BUNDLE_DIR} -E warn http://lv2plug.in/plugins/eg-scope#Stereo
A perfect plugin SHOULD pass without triggering any warnings or notes:
lv2lint -I ${MY_BUNDLE_DIR} -E warn -E note http://lv2plug.in/plugins/eg-scope#Stereo
If you get any warnings or notes, you can enable debugging output to help you fix the problems:
lv2lint -d -I ${MY_BUNDLE_DIR} -E warn -E note http://lv2plug.in/plugins/eg-scope#Stereo
By default, lv2lint runs in packager mode and skips some tests. The latter are important only for plugins that are distributed in binary form by the developer directly. To activate those tests, run in (nopack)ager mode:
lv2lint -I ${MY_BUNDLE_DIR} -M nopack http://lv2plug.in/plugins/eg-scope#Stereo
If you want to skip some tests (because you know that they fail), you can do so by specifying patterns for tests and plugin/and or ui URI on the command line.
E.g. to skip tests about missing version information:
lv2lint -I ${MY_BUNDLE_DIR} -t '*version*' urn:example:myplug#mono
E.g. to skip all tests that are dsp-related (and only honor ui-related ones):
lv2lint -I ${MY_BUNDLE_DIR} -u urn:example:myplug#mono -t '*' urn:example:myplug#mono
E.g. to skip all tests that are ui-related (and only honor dsp-related ones):
lv2lint -I ${MY_BUNDLE_DIR} -u urn:example:myplug#ui -t '*' urn:example:myplug#mono
E.g. to skip tests about extension data only on the ui:
lv2lint -I ${MY_BUNDLE_DIR} -u urn:example:myplug#ui -t '*extension*data*' urn:example:myplug#mono
Please report issues to https://todo.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/issues
Please submit patches to https://lists.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/patches