
6be5fa10ffcb3255eb41caee53a81ec4ab639479 — Hanspeter Portner 8 months ago 0225c3a
Update screenshot with new ui and readme
4 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

M screenshots/screenshot_1.png
D screenshots/screenshot_2.png
D screenshots/screenshot_2.png.license
M README.md => README.md +5 -10
@@ 142,13 142,12 @@ is this here:

* [LV2](http://lv2plug.in) (LV2 Plugin Standard)
* [OpenGl](https://www.opengl.org) (OpenGl)
* [GLEW](http://glew.sourceforge.net) (GLEW)

#### optional (for inline display)

* [cairo](https://www.cairographics.org) (2D graphics library)

#### optional (for next ui)
#### optional (for ui)

* [vterm](http://www.leonerd.org.uk/code/libvterm) (Virtual terminal emulator)

@@ 156,7 155,7 @@ is this here:

	git clone https://git.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/moony.lv2
	cd moony.lv2
	meson -Dbuild-inline-disp=true build
	meson setup -Dbuild-inline-disp=true build
	cd build
	ninja -j4
	ninja test

@@ 164,15 163,11 @@ is this here:

#### Compile options

* build-opengl-ui (build OpenGl UI, default=on)
* build-next-ui (build next UI, default=off)
  * use-vterm (needed for next ui, default=disabled)
* build-inline-disp (build inline display, default=off)
* build-ui (build UI, default=on)
* build-inline-disp (build inline display, default=on)
* gc-method (garbage collector method, default=generational|incremental|manual)

### Next (alternative) UI

### UI

This plugin features a native LV2 plugin UI which embeds a terminal emulator
which can run your favorite terminal editor to edit the plugin's Lua source.

M screenshots/screenshot_1.png => screenshots/screenshot_1.png +0 -0
D screenshots/screenshot_2.png => screenshots/screenshot_2.png +0 -0
D screenshots/screenshot_2.png.license => screenshots/screenshot_2.png.license +0 -2
@@ 1,2 0,0 @@
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Hanspeter Portner <dev@open-music-kontrollers.ch>
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0