
512328dc06422d5d364b2996009b5f9f7b762795 — Hanspeter Portner 5 months ago 6e208d4
Append Issues/Patches section to readme
2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M meson_options.txt
M README.md => README.md +6 -0
@@ 193,3 193,9 @@ If not, you can manually set your DPI via environmental variable *D2TK_SCALE*:

    export D2TK_SCALE=200

### Issues/Patches

Please report issues to [https://todo.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/issues](https://todo.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/issues)

Please submit patches to [https://lists.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/patches](https://lists.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/patches)

M meson_options.txt => meson_options.txt +1 -1
@@ 39,4 39,4 @@ option('lv2libdir',
	type : 'string',
	value : 'lib/lv2')

option('version', type : 'string', value : '0.41.165')
option('version', type : 'string', value : '0.41.177')