
c0e896b432ff26a27d1708d98268240c27e87b3d — Hanspeter Portner 1 year, 4 months ago 7b53d0c
Decrease header depths by one
1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

M index.md
M index.md => index.md +9 -9
@@ 3,39 3,39 @@ title: Open Music Kontrollers
toc: false

## Welcome to our forge
# Our forge

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## About us
# About us

### Who?
## Who?

We are a small manufactury designing free/libre and open hardware and software to provide you with adaptable human-machine interfaces in the domain of expressive sound generation and arts.

Our products do not have a specific target audience, we serve the whole spectrum from the maker community to musicians and artists.

### Why?
## Why?

Over ages, physical musical instruments have been used to create fantastic music full of expressiveness, and those instruments are really good at it, as they are capable to produce the most subtle expressive variations of sound. One reason they can produce such rich sounds is the tight connection of the player with the instrument.

Since decades, electronic instruments and synthesizers are used to produce music, too. However, those instruments seldom lack ways to produce expressive sounds on-the-fly, which disables those instruments to transmit emotions as efficiently as their acoustic counterparts in the first place. One reason for these incapabilities is the loose connection of the musician with the machine, e.g. synthesizer.

### How?
## How?

The way we would like to change things is by providing adaptable, on-the-fly reprogrammable, low-latency, highly sensitive and expressive music controllers which are able to more tightly connect musicians and artists with their machines.