
9d52a1a57f639507fe981ca1434b7df3d5834745 — Hanspeter Portner 5 months ago f3abbab master
Append Issues/Patches section to readme
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +6 -0
@@ 6,3 6,9 @@ This is the PCB design for the Sensor unit of the [Chimaera](http://open-music-k
## Prerequisites
To be used with [KiCAD](http://www.kicad-pcb.org).

### Issues/Patches

Please report issues to [https://todo.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/issues](https://todo.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/issues)

Please submit patches to [https://lists.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/patches](https://lists.open-music-kontrollers.ch/~hp/patches)